[ Bahan-bahan evo ini tidak 100% berhasil ]



Geranium, eggs, milk, soy milk, fluid, oxygen, dalteol, mistress of the Feather bedroom, buhwaseok, beep Night wind egg



Dongbungeo, eunbungeo, goldfish, milk, soy, peas, radishes, potions, Junction, Hi Potion

Milk, Tricky, kkoedol a knife, glittering crystals, glasses, Daxian's pattern, the wizard pattern, even rikkae, wood sticks

Eggs, herbs, potions, hi potions, dairy, meat, liquor, High-junction, can, bear bile, Gold Carp, dongbungeo, eunbungeo

Four-leaf clover, El Saki decisions, the decision of hesedeu, Daxian's designs, clever, mabeopsauihon, high Junction, wooden sticks, flail



Four-leaf clover, dumb knuckle, dalteol, goldfish, eunbungeo, carp, rock, dalsangui, County staff party, Tricky

Mabeopsaset, mabeopgajukset, magic dust, lucky card

Sage Wand, Daxian party pattern, El Saki decisions, decisions hesedeu, dinuigyeoljeong, dinuimunyang, non-naheugyeoljeong, leaf

Kkeulneunpi, Mithril, really hard shell, hard shell, the sentence of the article, seonggisauihon, H. bimetal, a man of romance, ceramics, byeongcheol

Daxian-party Culture, Sage rod, Tricky, kkoedol a knife, knuckle stupid, Stone, Chicken, row unkadeu, goldfish

Mabeopgajukset, mabeopsaset, daemabeopsauihon, four-leaf clover

Sage Wand, Daxian party pattern, El Saki decisions, decisions hesedeu, dinuigyeoljeong, dinuimunyang, non-naheugyeoljeong, leaf

Daxian-party Culture, Sage rod, Tricky, kkoedol a knife, knuckle stupid, Stone, Chicken, row unkadeu, goldfish

Kkeulneunpi, Mithril, really hard shell, hard shell, the sentence of the article, genital sahon, H. bimetal, a man of romance, ceramics, byeongcheol

Hard shell, very hard shell, a very hard shell, armor, sculpture, gokeuuippul, the sentence of the article, Mithril, ceramic, iron, byeongcheol

Mithril, kkeulneunpi, the sentence of the article, heavy metal, seonggisauihon, ceramic, and your mouth clover, the solid shell, very hard shell, byeongcheol

Daxian-party Culture, Sage rod, Tricky, kkoedol a knife, knuckle stupid, Stone, Chicken, row unkadeu, goldfish

Mabeopsaset, mabeopgajukset, magic dust, lucky card

Sage Wand, Daxian party pattern, El Saki decisions, decisions hesedeu, dinuigyeoljeong, dinuimunyang, non-naheugyeoljeong, leaf

Kkeulneunpi, Mithril, really hard shell, hard shell, the sentence of the article, genital sahon, H. bimetal, a man of romance, ceramics, byeongcheol



Mom's heart, her mind, baekseolgongjuuihon, haejeokuihon, daemabeopsauihon, Paladins soul, soul of a cat, geomsauihon, gwangdaeuihon, four-leaf clover

Four-leaf clover, nejajipangyi, Ladon cane, cane Reina, kulgayi stick, yuryeongji pangyi, intangible wand, magic powder, Wizards of the pattern, daemabeopsauihon

Four-leaf clover, nejajipangyi, Ray, or stick, knit Las sticks, ghost cane, Laurier LG PINS 2, intangible wand, magic dust, magic, pattern, daemabeopsauihon

Ghost cane, tarakhanhon, haejeokuihon, seonggisauihon, baekseolgongjuuihon, geomsauihon, said yangyiuihon, daemabeopsauihon, four-leaf clover

Muhyeonggeom, ppyeogeomsauigeom, ppyeogeomsaeodumuigeom, Bastard, Evil Eye Sword, yuryeonguigeom, 8 Priory, peurangbeljyu, dyulrahanuigeom, four-leaf clover

Spike Sword, Glider, Claudius, the Evil Eye Sword, dyulrahanuigeom, Bastard, peurangbeljyu, yeolhyeolgeom, Mother Bear's knife, muhyeonggeom, kkoedol the knife

Kkoedol of the knife, palsion, Mom uisikkal, dyulrihanuigeom, yeolhyeolgeom, Sword of the Evil Eye, elrenuigeom, Bastard, ppeogeomsaeodumuigeom, peurangbeljyu

Chicken, chicken wings, nuggets, chicken feet, dalteol, Tricky, Cold Heart, goremuisimjang, champion of the heart, four leaf clover

Ppiyajipangyi, ppiyauigeom, yongsappiyauigeom, monks should beep hats, hemp legal sahon, gwangdaeuihon, geomsauihon, seonggisauihon, goyangyiuihon, four-leaf clover

Ppiyajipangyi, yongsappiyauigeom, ppiyauigeom, the monks of the hat should beep, haejeokuihon, gwangdaeuihon, geomsauihon, seonggisauihon, goyangyiuihon, four-leaf clover

Four-leaf clover, lucky card, seonggisauihon, gwangdaeuihon, geomsauihon, ppiyajipangyi, W ryeoppiyauimoja, ppiyauigeom, yongsappiyauigeom

contoh evo pet yang sukses, Bahan2 evo ini tidak 100% berhasil.

35 komentar:

Anonymous said... 3

champion of the heart dapt darimna ??? bls please !!!

Dragunoverz-Cladea said... 6

gile!! gw jadi dong!!
dari chicken ke . . . . . .
-Crancky Roaster-

Anonymous said... 10

evo 15 baby piya pke ikan" jd cma 1 extra
tp gpp de
extra ny jd war piya kok
dah gtu war piya jd fly queen haha

Anonymous said... 13

fvck!! gagal nih ah dari knight piya ijo,malah jadi MSP kuning

Anonymous said... 16

pada goblok nie yg ga trima klo pet nya gagal
pada buta y liat tulisan paling atas tdk menjamin 1005 berhasil goblok

Anonymous said... 18

sampah bgt lu org.. emang mentang2 pk it bahan pasti jd??! ad %nan ny say!! it cmn bbrp bahan dr pengalaman org yg dah pernah bkin.. KALO LGSG JADI BKN RARE NAMANYA!!

toebill said... 19

mw evo chiken ney ikutin bhn d atas...
smoga jadi KOAC.....

Anonymous said... 20

bahan ga ngaruh gan semua sama...faktor keberuntungan aja...

Anonymous said... 21

tolong di terjemahin ke bahasa indonesia pls...tq be4...

Anonymous said... 24

agan2 yang baha mage piya ke qoac tolong artiin dong yang itu mark of mage ato sage,..
trus yang saoul nya,..itu soul of great mage ato sage??? tolong ya

Anonymous said... 25

ini idiot juga yah, tulisannya kgk jelas. kasi sumbernya ajalah darimana

Newbie said... 27

succes dari baby piya ke extra lewat bahan nie..

Newbie said... 28

ikuti ini..

dan check

di bahan bahan wiki g ada bahan kaya
jadi ikuti sajalah yg diberi ni blog
walaupun relain Smart Glasses

Anonymous said... 30

kk nih beneran sukses ga sih...
ak mw evo baby piya ke ektraordy..

Anonymous said... 34

fur yg dr baby ke extraordinary itu fur apa ya ?
reply pls

Anonymous said... 35

bro...itu bahan evo nya hero piya 5 baris atas itu apa ya ?blue crystal trs slnjtnya apaan ?g ad kterangannya neh

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